
Daily Crossword

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Play Daily Crossword and train your brain

Let's play and train your brain in the Daily Crossword game. Here, you will have to find a lot of required words from the clues of the game.

This is a mind game where you have to solve puzzles on a board. This board is divided into many different squares and it can hold up to 100 puzzles. These puzzles are divided both horizontally and vertically, each word entered in this box can be the answer to both horizontal and vertical boxes. The suggested words will be arranged on the left side of the screen, the suggestions for the horizontal row will be above the suggestions for the vertical line. When you click on the puzzle, the cells used to answer that puzzle will be bolded on the board. You click twice to change between horizontal and vertical rows. After entering the answer, you use the arrow keys to change the active cells. You click the delete or backspace button to delete the word you guessed wrong and click the Space button to change the suggestions between horizontal and vertical lines.

The benefits of playing Daily Crossword

This is an intellectual game, so it will help you train your brain, by solving difficult puzzles you will train your thinking ability. You have to be really smart to be able to find what's hidden behind the clues and take advantage of the data you've created on the map to come up with the right answer. In addition, this game is very difficult, you will have to spend a lot of time to find the correct answer, thereby training your patience. This game also has a bit of entertainment but for me, it is more educational. This game brings quite a lot of benefits, what are you waiting for without playing?